
Home»News»[Technical support] Cautions to use Machine Skates

[Technical support] Cautions to use Machine Skates

As an equipment of moving tool,there are different cautions to use different types of Machine Skates, but there are many common cautions when move the heavy equipments with Machine Skates.
First: Most Machine Skates only suitable for running on a flat road, requiring very little slope, except for the Machine Skates can Cross Barriers.
Second: the gravity center of the heavy loads should be checked carefully,the weight of the heavy loads should be balanced,it is better to connect the heavy loads and Machine Skates with bolt.
Third: Machine Skates should be moved slowly, holding steady.When several Machine Skates work together,the forward direction of the Machine Skates should be strictly consistent with the forward direction of the heavy loads;
Fourth:The height of all the Machine Skates work together should be same.
Fifth: Please select the right model of the Machine Skates according to the weight, length and width of the heavy loads.The total capacity should be bigger than the weight of the heavy loads.
Machine Skates should be used strictly follow the use instructions,more information please contact with us!


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